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The Power of Prophetic Voice

Lesson Two: Mordecai as a Model of Prophetic Voice

“…And who knows whether you have not attained royalty for such a time as this?”

Esther 4:14

Mordecai Offers a Biblical Example of Prophetic voice

When reading Esther, Mordecai stands out. Though the book is about how God positioned Esther to deliver His people from destruction, Mordecai is a clear example of prophetic voice throughout the book. In this lesson we examine the biblical example of prophetic voice that Mordecai provides for us.

Exposing Ungodly Plots

The prophetic voice is not defined by predicting the future. It is speaking truth to power. This at times involves hearing and exposing ungodly plots.

Read Esther 2:21-23

What became known to Mordecai?

How did he respond?

What does this reveal about prophetic voice?

Mordecai did not conceal the plot against the king. He spoke up concerning the ungodly plot and saved the king’s life. Often, in today’s society, speaking up against ungodliness is viewed negatively. It’s important that we as Christ followers value pleasing God more than we value being approved by man.

How has God had you speak up against ungodly plots and/or practices?

Refusing to Engage in Unrighteous Practices

Speaking up against ungodliness is one aspect of prophetic voice. Another aspect is refusing to engage in unrighteous practices. Unrighteous practices are anything that violates God’s standard.

Let’s examine Esther 3:1-6

What is going on in this passage?

What unrighteous practice is taking place?

How did Mordecai respond to the unrighteous practice?

Mordecai, again, lifted up his prophetic voice. While there are no words spoken by Mordecai, his action was an example of prophetic voice. He stood up from the standard of God even though it could be dangerous for him.

How have you used prophetic voice to refuse to engage in unrighteous practices in a way that was dangerous for you?

How might God be calling you to stand against unrighteous practices in this time as an example of prophetic voice?

Challenging Others to Stand Up for the Oppressed

Mordecai exposed an ungodly plot and refused to engage in unrighteous practices, and he also challenged others to stand up for the oppressed. This aspect of prophetic voice can be very scary. No one wants to run the risk of being rejected by challenging others.

Read Esther 4:9-14 (rf. 1-8)

How did Esther respond when she initially learned about the plan to destroy Mordecai and all the Jews?

How did Mordecai challenge Esther to stand up for the oppressed?

In what ways has God used you to challenge others to stand up for the oppressed?

How might God be calling you to challenge others to stand up for the oppressed?

We look forward to worshiping and fellowshipping with you!

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